Writing Business Roadmap:

How to Attract New Clients, Grow Your Personal Brand, and Scale Your Business

This FREE Online Class is hosted by Ray Edwards, who writes and creates marketing campaigns for top leaders like Michael Hyatt, Amy Porterfield, Stu McLaren, Donald Miller, Jeff Walker, Tony Robbins, and many more. Ray will “pull back the curtain” and reveal how to run your own writing business, based on the proven systems and tools that he uses himself.

You'll discover:

  • What “packages” can you sell, and to whom do you sell them?
  • How do you attract and sign new clients?
  • What do you charge, and how much can you make?
  • What if you’re not well-known, or you have no track record?
  • How do you get experience and build a portfolio?
  • What about AI - is it a threat to “writers for hire”?


Register now and get a free BONUS report: 10 Copywriting Packages You Can Sell to Clients (and pricing strategy & suggestions)

By offering any combination of these ten copywriting packages, you can offer a robust number of options – and possibly make more money (no guarantees - just showing you what is possible). Whether you're just starting or looking to scale your existing copywriting business, these packages provide a roadmap to achieving more impact, success, and fulfillment.

Presented by

Ray Edwards

May 29, 2024
10:00am Pacific Time

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10 Copywriting Packages You Can Sell to Clients

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